June 16

Home Learning for 17.6.20

Virtual sports week will take place next week and we would like to encourage everyone from your household to get involved and have fun whilst doing so! The only thing you will need in preparation are some water balloons, however a wet sponge will be a fine alternative. Every day next week, I will blog two activity cards for you to complete; you will then send your two scores into me via email. I will then keep you informed of the leaderboard every day. There will be one winning house by the end of the week. Please take a look at the information page for more information.

Information page

Good morning everyone! We are nearly half way through the week already, I hope you enjoyed planning your information page on the animal of your choice yesterday. When we were in class, these were really exciting days when we were drafting a big piece of writing, so I want you to really take care with your presentation and handwriting today and show me and your family what you can do. Please get in touch if you need anything at all! s.butterworth@meadowsideacademy.org

Early Bird Maths

Please watch the following link to help you understand the method for question 5:

Please watch the following link to help you understand the method for question 6:

Please watch the following link to help you understand the method for question 8:


Please take a look at the following bar chart or the one that you created yesterday – you will need this to help you solve the starred challenges below.

Average annual rainfall in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2001 to 2019

Today, you will have a go at interpreting the data shown in the chart you created or the one above.

Graphs and charts are visual representations of data in the form of points, lines, bars, and pie charts. … t  o interpret a graph or chart, read the title, look at the key, read the labels. Then study the chart to understand what it shows.

Fill in the missing gaps:

Between _________ and ________, the average rainfall in the United Kingdom varied greatly. In ___________, rainfall dropped to a low of 1,020 millimeters, which was a noticeable decrease when compared to the _____________ year. However, the following year rainfall ______________ significantly to a peak of 1,889 millimeters. During this period rainfall rarely rose above ______________ millimeters. In 2019, the annual average _______________ in the UK reached 1,416.6 millimeters.

1.Write down 3 statements that you think no one else would write down about the information provided in the chart.

2. From looking at the above information, is this correct?

On average, rainfall was most common at the start and end of the year. From 2014 to 2019, monthly rainfall peaked in December 2015 at approximately 219 millimeters. This was the only time during this period that the average monthly rainfall rose above 200 millimeters.

Word Power


Today is draft day! You will have two days to draft this piece of writing.

Using your box up plan form yesterday, I would like you to draft your information page on the animal of your choice today. Your information page should include the following success criteria:


Sub Headings

Paragraphs around a theme

Capital letters, full stops, neat handwriting and creative presentation

You may wish to get all of your writing in today and tomorrow you can focus on pictures, diagrams, labels, captions and fact boxes.

Like I said yesterday, hopefully you have enough information gathered from the previous week to fill a double spread page or a single page. Please be creative with this; like we have done previously your information page should be bright, creative and interesting for the reader. Below I have attached some amazing examples of our previous information pages we created by Ben, Lucy and Fraser.

Early Bird Maths Answers

Maths Answers

Between 2001 and 2019, the average rainfall in the United Kingdom varied greatly. In 2010, rainfall dropped to a low of 1,020 millimeters, which was a noticeable decrease when compared to the previous year. However, the following year rainfall increased significantly to a peak of 1,889 millimeters. During this period rainfall rarely rose above 1,500 millimeters. In 2019, the annual average rainfall in the UK reached 1,416.6 millimeters.

Other tasks to complete throughout the day

*Wellbeing Wake Up*


Wellbeing Wake-up provides a boost of wellbeing to children through fun engaging activities. The sessions are aimed at primary aged children, parents/carers and education staff. The Bitesize sessions will be based around the 5 ways to wellbeing; connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give. Each video will include a short explanation for adults on why it is important to promote wellbeing, followed by a ‘wake up and shake up’ for children’s minds and bodies to become focused, finished with a interactive activity that can be carried out between the child and adult.

Reading Plus

Please continue to use Reading Plus at home. if you need any support with anything then please let me know. I hope you’re enjoying using it.

Reading Plus Letter

Real PE:
Real PE is a unique, child centred approach that is suitable for any year group through the Primary years. Jasmine – your real learning platform, provides 1000s of hours of fun activities and challenges that will help you to keep your children and family fit and healthy in the coming months. To login and explore, please enter the following details:
Website: home.jasmineactive.com
Username: parent@meadowside-19.com
Password: meadowside

BBC Bitesize:


Please have a look through the subjects in the above link and complete as you like. There are many exciting activities to do on here, so have fun exploring them.

Online Stories:

Here is a link to some free online stories your children can read:




Many online videos that help keep children active inside and teach mindfulness and meditation.



Black Lives Matter Movement:

Below is information for parents regarding the Black Lives Matter movement. This useful guide may be of interest to you if you would like to discuss this with your children.

Parent’s guide to black lives matter

Three-day creative task:

Science – Animal Classification

Animal classification – presentation

Animals are also grouped by other characteristics, such as what they eat, their skeleton, how threatened their species is in the wild, how they are adapted to live in their environment. Have a go at answering the following questions:


1. Look at the ten animals in the photographs, which do you think are invertebrates? Explain your answer.

2. Scientists classify the Galapagos giant tortoises as endangered species. What does the word endangered mean? https://galapagosconservation.org.uk/wildlife/galapagos-giant-tortoise/?gclid=CjwKCAjwlZf3BRABEiwA8Q0qq16n_Ryf2ppY5GZ-WkIC7S9rbWqo_NwXkH4YKYjAgfktqzhvP19cchoC3NUQAvD_BwE

3. Some of the Galapagos Islands no longer have Galapagos giant tortoises living on them. From what you have learnt about the Galapagos Islands explain why you think this might be.

4. Many of the islands now have goats living on them, how do you think these may affect the Galapagos giant tortoise populations?

5. The puma is a predator. Explain what ‘predator’ means, and how the puma is adapted to be a successful predator. https://sciencing.com/adaptations-puma-8497983.html

6. The greater rhea is adapted for life on the grassy plains of South America. How is it adapted to avoid being caught and eaten by its predators? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/g/greater-rhea/


1. Number 7 is the invertebrate, it has a hard external skeleton (exoskeleton)

2. In danger of becoming extinct due to threats such as competition, lack of habitat, human encroachment, hunting etc

3. Explorers throughout the last few centuries, and whalers in the 19th century, collected Galapagos giant tortoises when they passed the islands to use as food for their crews. Today, the greatest threats to the remaining tortoises come from introduced species, such as dogs, cats and rats which predate on juvenile tortoises before their carapaces harden.

4. Goats compete with the tortoises for the vegetation which they eat.

5. Predators hunt, kill and eat other animals. The puma is well adapted to life as a predator, it is powerful and extremely agile. Unusually long back legs are thought to be an adaptation to bursts of high-speed running and jumping used to chase and ambush prey. It also has powerful teeth and jaws and acute senses to locate prey.

6. The legs of the greater rhea are long and powerful, with strong toes, and are adapted for running and for ranging over large distances. It is capable of reaching speeds of over 60 kilometres an hour, and, perhaps surprisingly, is also a good swimmer.

Posted June 16, 2020 by meadowsideyear5 in category Uncategorized

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