June 23

Home learning 23/6/21

For English we are continuing to read The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. We are connecting our ideas to create an adventure narrative. Please see the power point and planning sheet below to guide your ideas.

Character profile adventure story

Adventure Story Mountain Planner


Continue to work on year 5 fluency facts.

Monday and Tuesday maths teaching

square numbers puzzle

star challenges

Tuesday multiplication puzzles



Here are a couple of reading comprehensions.

The-Mayan-Creation-Story-Year-5-Whole-Class-Guided-Reading The-Mystery-of-the-Jaguar-God-Mask-4b-Guided-Reading-Pack

Word power

Mayan topic words

Big Idea:

Check out this video to see what life was like for the Maya’s.

What was life like for the ancient Mayas? – BBC Bitesize

Research the type of music played in Mesoamerica