July 14

Home learning Thursday 15th July 2021

Another riddle to start our day.

What English word has three consecutive double letters?

Early bird 8:30 – 9:00

English zoom 9:00-10:00 – LO: Can I use adverbials in my writing?

We are going to be writing instructions for twice fried spectacular. Make sure you have watched the chapter on yesterday’s page ready for the lesson.

10:00 -10:15

Independent write up of instructions ensuring you self-edit for corrections. 

Word power 10:15 – 10:30

New words – 10

ceremonies, exaggerate, disastrous, embarrass, opportunity,  

competition, recognise, sacrifice, convenience, immediate. 

Make sure you write the English version of recognise not American (I get caught out sometimes)

New words – 5

 ceremony, disaster, opportunity, competition, immediate. 

Click below for activities or do your own if you share it I can add to the blog.

year end words

10:30 -10:45 – Break away from your computer screens!

10:45 – 11:00 HIIT video

11:00 – 12:00 Maths

LO: To find a fraction of an amount.

Watch my video and then complete your star challenges.

Lunch 12:00 – 1pm

Big Idea – Why farming was so important to the Maya people and why they were so good at it.

Farming was really important to the Mayas. Most people grew their own crops in small fields.

Despite their size, these fields were used to grow many kinds of crops at the same time, such as maize, beans, squash and chilli. If farmers grew more than they could eat, they traded the leftovers in markets.

One reason the Mayas were so successful at farming was because they studied the stars and the weather. This meant they were able to create very detailed calendars which told them what time of year to plant crops and when they should harvest them.

Why was farming so important to the Mayas? – BBC Bitesize

2pm zoom – WCR

I will share another chapter with you but there will be also time to discuss the highlights of home learning and what we are looking forward to coming back to school.

July 13

Home learning Wednesday 14th July 2021

A riddle to start your day!

The more you take the more you leave behind. What am I?

Early bird answers from yesterday:

Early bird 8:30-9:00

Z00m 9:00 am Maths

LO: To multiply proper fractions

Join the zoom and then independently work on the star challenges.

Word power 10-10:15

New words – 10

ceremonies, exaggerate, disastrous, embarrass, opportunity,  

competition, recognise, sacrifice, convenience, immediate. 

Make sure you write the English version of recognise not American (I get caught out sometimes)

New words – 5

 ceremony, disaster, opportunity, competition, immediate. 

Click below for activities or do your own if you share it I can add to the blog

year end words

Well done to all of you who added their spelling scores to the survey, if I get another 30 correct spellings (only three children with full marks) then I will give you a class treat!

WCR 10:15 – 10:45 Chapter 20 Twice fried Oiseau spectacle

Watch this video carefully because tomorrow we will be writing instructions for how to make twice fried Oiseau spectacle.

Break 10:45 – 11:00

English 11-12

LO: Can I edit and improve my writing?

When we write longer pieces of work we finish at different rates – don’t worry this is to be expected. The video below talks you through how to end your story and what to look for when editing. Some of you will have published pieces and some may need to some more time to publish. Take the afternoons to publish and ensure you do your best job. I have also included all the whole adventure power point if you need to go back and relook at something.

Character profile adventure story

For you quick writers here is an extra spelling challenge.


Don’t forget your big idea tasks set on Monday. Please send these in when complete. 

What games did the Mayas play? – BBC Bitesize

Your task – you choose!

  1. Design a poster of the rules for pok a tok (when we get back we are going to play this game – minus the sacrifice!)
  2. Write a report as sport journalist telling me all about the exciting game
  3. Write a persuasive letter to the priest to get him to allow woman to play the game.

12 – 1 Lunch

Big idea 1 -2pm

Find out all about life in 250AD

Maya Civilisation – Years 5/6 and P6/7 History – History Collection – Home Learning with BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize

Don’t forget to send me in your Maya temple models! We have had Lego, 3-D boxes and observational  drawings. Showing me on zoom doesn’t count!

PE zoom at 2pm

Come ready in kit to practice sports day.

As always any problems, comments or work please send to me at d.mcmahon@meadowsideacademy.org

July 12

Home learning 13th July 2021

8:30 – 9:00 Early bird

9:00 – 10:00 (zoom) English finish writing your adventure story

LO: Can I edit and improve my writing?

When we write longer pieces of work we finish at different rates – don’t worry this is to be expected. The video below talks you through how to end your story and what to look for when editing. I am hoping that everyone will have something to read out in Tuesday’s PM zoom. Some of you will have published pieces and some may need to some more time to publish. Take the afternoons to publish and ensure you do your best job. I have also included all the whole adventure power point if you need to go back and relook at something.

Character profile adventure story

For you quick writers – read this story information about Maya history and answer the questions.


Word power 10:00-10:15

Don’t forget to add your spelling results from last week to this survey (highlight and right click). People who complete the survey win a house token.


New words – 10

ceremonies, exaggerate, disastrous, embarrass, opportunity,  

competition, recognise, sacrifice, convenience, immediate. 

Make sure you write the English version of recognise not American (I get caught out sometimes)

New words – 5

 ceremony, disaster, opportunity, competition, immediate. 

Click below for activities or do your own if you share it I can add to the blog

year end words


Reading 10:15 -10:45

Make sure you are up to date with our book the earlier videos are below:

Chapter 19 – would you eat a tarantula? – let me know and your reasons why/why not   

Use this time to read a book or log onto reading plus.

10:45 – 11:00 Break

11:00 -12:00 Maths recorded lesson

The lesson is in two halves please watch video 1 and complete the task in the video before moving onto video 2.

LO: Multiplying proper fractions by integers

Video 2

LO: Multiplying mixed numbers by integers

Now complete these challenges.


12-1: lunch

1-2: PE – Sports day practice

The results are in and the winning activities are as follows:

Football kick – aim a football through a hoop

Egg and spoon – classic (I was my junior school’s champion at egg and spoon so don’t let me down team!)

Water balloon throw – may be use a tennis ball to practice but basically throw a ball to a partner moving one step away each time stop if you drop!

Ball squeeze – run with a ball between your legs.

We have running races as well but seen as we can’t go further than our gardens (unless you have a particularly big garden) then maybe practice them when we get back to school.

2-3 pm Story sharing zoom

You to share your adventure stories!


July 10

Home learning 12th July

I am publishing this page a little early there is a little something going on tomorrow something about a football match? I don’t know if you know? I did say you could early bird over the weekend or after the live maths lesson, do what suits you and your family.

Live Maths zoom at 9:30 (hopefully fully awake – you not me!) 

LO: To add and subtract mixed fractions (one and two star)

Come to the lesson with LO and date ready in your books (leave the rest of page for class notes) and then on a clean page copy down either the one or two star questions below.

If you feel like a challenge I have an extra LO for you –  LO: To multiply mixed fractions (three star)


Don’t forget to add your spelling results to this survey (highlight and right click). People who complete the survey win a house token.


New words – 10

ceremonies, exaggerate, disastrous, embarrass, opportunity,  

competition, recognise, sacrifice, convenience, immediate. 

Make sure you write the English version of recognise not American (I get caught out sometimes)

New words – 5

 ceremony, disaster, opportunity, competition, immediate. 

year end words

11:00 -12:00 – English finish writing your adventure story

LO: Can I edit and improve my writing?

When we write longer pieces of work we finish at different rates – don’t worry this is to be expected. The video below talks you through how to end your story and what to look for when editing. I am hoping that everyone will have something to read out in Tuesday’s PM zoom. Some of you will have published pieces and some may need to some more to publish. Take the afternoons to publish and ensure you do your best job. I have also included all the whole adventure power point if you need to go back and relook at something.

Character profile adventure story

For you quick writers – read this story information about Maya history and answer the questions.


12-1: lunch

1-1:30 WCR

Make sure you are up to date with our book the earlier videos are below:

Chapter 19 – would you eat a tarantula? – let me know and your reasons why/why not   

Chapter 18

Chapter 17 part 1

Chapter 17 part 2

15 minute HIIT workout get fit get active choose either workout by Daniel or do your own! (Keep the workouts coming in guys – you might make blog fame!)

Zoom at 2pm – Big Idea Maya sports

Join us to find out how Maya people kept fit!

Afterwards there will be a chance to discuss any problems or highlights you have had with the work.

As always send me any work or questions via email d.mcmahon@meadowsideacadmey.org

Thank you to everyone who have sent me Maya temples over the last week. I know there are some more to come so please send them in as soon as you are ready. Check these for inspiration!


July 9

Big Idea ideas!

The Ancient Maya were not just warriors they were also farmers, scientists and inventors. We are going be historians and find out how much the Maya’s still influence us today.

Maya men were keen ball players find out about their sports here.

What games did the Mayas play? – BBC Bitesize


Your task – you choose!

  1. Design a poster of the rules for pok a tok (when we get back we are going to play this game – minus the sacrifice!)
  2. Write a report as sport journalist telling me all about the exciting game
  3. Write a persuasive letter to the priest to get him to allow woman to play the game.

Find out all about life in 250AD

Maya Civilisation – Years 5/6 and P6/7 History – History Collection – Home Learning with BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize

Watch the videos and then take the quiz!

Now using all your knowledge of Ancient Maya have a go at working out what these things are!

Don’t forget to let me know what you think these are!

Mayan historian